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Working Great Pyrenees
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Working Great Pyrenees in Europe

In some countries of Europe the Great Pyrenees dogs are stil used as live stock guardians or newly introduced to this task because of the reintegration of wolves and bears.

Mainly in France, Spain, Switzerland and few in Skandinavia and Germany.

  • In Skandinavia the Norwegian breeder of Laugtun Great Pyrenees has working Pyrs.
  • In Spain there is the Instituto Pirenaico del Perro Montaña de los Pirineus were several Spanish breeders are working together to provide good guarding stock and education about raising and training the Pyr as LGD.
  • In France the Pyr is also well known as protector of the sheep and goat herds in the mountains.
  • In Switzerland the Great Pyrenees was introduced as LGD over the last decennium. [from 1999 on]
    Great Pyrenees working in Switzerland
  • In Germany they were also introduced some years ago as Livestock Guarding Dogs.
© U. Hock-Henschke