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Some facts about the Great Pyrenees - starting with: the color of the Great Pyrenees

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The most of you know the Great Pyrenenees as the big white dog or white dog with some color on the ears and an occasional colored spot on the body.

I wil try to explain a little more about the coloring of the Great Pyrenees. And illustrate it with some pictures.

Great Pyrenees puppies are born either all white, or with colored patches on the head/ears, the root of the tail and there are also puppies with colored patches on the body, mostly one or two patches.

There is no solid black colored hair on a Great Pyrenees, When they have heavy dark colored spots as youngsters or adults, these are NEVER SOLID BLACK, but DARK GREY and the root of the hair (+/- 1cm, is always light colored).

GP Litter
This photograph shows a litter of 5 puppies just 2 days old. From left to right: a heavy colored puppy with marks on the body and on the head [which is hidden behind the next puppy], the secand puppy has dark marks on the ears only. The third one has markings on the head and a little heartshaped spot just above the tail. The fourth one is white without any markings and the fifth one is another heavy marked puppy with patches on the body and on the head.

These are individual photographs of the puppies 1 day old

Puppy 1 Puppy 2
Puppy 3 Puppy 4
Puppy 5 the color is NOT black but very dark gray
© U. Hock-Henschke